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The CSS 'animation-direction' property specifies whether an animation should play forwards, backward, or alternate between playing forwards and backward. This property enhances the control over animation sequences, allowing for more complex and dynamic visual effects. It's particularly useful for creating looping animations that need to reverse at certain points or achieve a specific storytelling effect through animation.
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CSS 'animation-direction' Property by Webzstore (@webzstore)
on CodePen. The ' Use 'animation-direction' when you want to control the direction flow of an animation sequence. This could be to create a pendulum-like effect where an animation smoothly transitions back and forth or to reverse the direction of an animation for visual variety or emphasis.CSS 'animation-direction' Property Examples
' property offers a straightforward way to modify the play direction of CSS animations, making it possible to craft more nuanced and engaging visual experiences on the web.Browser Support For 'animation-direction' Property
5.0 -moz-9.0
4.0 -webkit-43.0
4.0 -webkit-10.0 30.0
15.0 -webkit-
12.0 -o-CSS Syntax of the 'animation-direction' Property
animation-direction: normal|reverse|alternate|alternate-reverse;
Usage of the 'animation-direction' Property
Property Values of the 'animation-direction' Property
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