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The CSS 'border-inline-start' property is a shorthand for specifying the border's width, style, and color at the inline start side of an element. This logical property adapts the border's appearance based on the writing direction, making it especially useful for creating consistent layouts across languages that use different scripts and directions, such as left-to-right (LTR) and right-to-left (RTL).
See the Pen
CSS 'border-inline-start' Property by Webzstore (@webzstore)
on CodePen. The 'border-inline-start' property supports the creation of adaptable, direction-aware designs, ensuring that web content remains visually coherent and accessible across different languages and writing systems. Use 'border-inline-start' to define or adjust the border on the side of an element where the inline flow of content begins. This feature is invaluable in internationalized web designs, allowing border styles to automatically adjust to match the document's writing mode. This ensures that designs remain fluid and visually coherent, irrespective of the language or script direction.CSS 'border-inline-start' Property Examples
Browser Support For 'border-inline-start' Property
41.0 12.1 69.0 79.0 56.0 CSS Syntax of the 'border-inline-start' Property
border-inline-start: width style color | initial | inherit;
Usage of the 'border-inline-start' Property
Property Values of the 'border-inline-start' Property
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